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Did you know that neutering can significantly improve your pet's long-term health?

Whether you have a young puppy or kitten, or an older pet, neutering offers numerous benefits.

At Gower Vets, your pet is in the best hands. Our experienced team of veterinarians and nurses, along with our state-of-the-art facilities, ensure your pet receives the highest quality care.

As a member of our Pet Health for Life plan, you can enjoy a 10% discount on neutering treatments. Simply schedule an initial consultation with one of our veterinarians to discuss the best time for your pet's procedure.

Book an appointment      Pet Laparoscopic (keyhole) Surgery     Make a Laparoscopic Referral     

Spread the cost of essential healthcare for your pet

Logo - Pet Health for Life

To spread the cost of routine and essential healthcare for your pet, we offer our Pet Health for Life plan, which includes 10% of neutering services, an annual health check for your pet and much more.

Click here to find out more and to sign up online

Benefits of Pet Neutering

Neutering is a surgical procedure that prevents animals from reproducing. In males, it's called castration and involves removing the testicles. In females, it's called spaying and involves removing the ovaries and uterus. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

  • Prevents unwanted pregnancies and womb infections
  • Can help prevent tumours and breast cancer
  • Can also help prevent testicular cancer and prostate disease
  • Assists in preventing roaming and aggressive behaviour
  • It’s normal to neuter! 86% of owned cats and 71% of owned dogs in the UK are neutered*

*PSDA Paws report 2020

When's the right time for my pet?




Cat Neutering

From four months

From four months

Dog Neutering

From six months although we will consider your pet’s weight, breed and behaviour  

Pre-season or at least three months after season


Click on the links below to find out more.